Every Force Evolves a Form

Every Force Evolves a Form is an illustrated allegory of transness and contemporary physics, set to a score of semi-composed instrumental music. The story follows a blip on the eternal energy plane, who upon meeting a kindred blip is sucked into the material realm and cast into a journey of self-rediscovery through the evolution of the universe and human consciousness.

This project is in process. Currently chapter 5 has been completed, and chapter 1 is in development.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: I if I Was
Chapter 2: The Battle of Zero and Infinity
Chapter 3: A Three Body Problem
Chapter 4: Primordial Stew
Chapter 5: Earth is a Breathing Valley

Earth is a Breathing Valley
Illustrated by Cody Boyce

Many lifetimes later, a traveler found themself at the shore of an icy lake on a snowy winter’s day. The wind was cold and they wrapped a furry hood around their face, exposing only their eyes to the scraping air. Bundled and prepared, they set out towards the edge of a forest which lay between them and Mount Part. Approaching the boundary of a woods which lay at the lake’s edge, the traveler shuddered as a mysterious force rippled through them - a cautious invitation. In between the creaking rustle of slow air and dry leaves, the traveler heard - felt? - a faint heartbeat pulsing from the trees. With anxious excitement, they crossed the threshold into what can only be described as a forest of forests, which is to say that looking in any direction the forest would yield continually smaller yet equally expansive worlds. Bristling ferns in a melted cave took on the size of maples, moss-covered rocks formed a hillside under the torrential downpour of massive icicles. Planes of reference zoomed porously past the traveler’s mind’s eye and time itself froze like the river. Having made itself known to the traveler, the forest collected itself, reassembling into a single vision of simple beauty. Remembering their purpose, the traveler’s feet began to walk themselves slowly through the green and grey forest with glee. Emblazoned by a sense of potential, they climbed upwards towards the silent falling snow. A few miles later, as the treeline came near, the sky began to darken and the traveler felt a sti wind blow through them like a shouted whisper. The traveler paused. Hesitantly, they stepped out onto the summit clearing. What they saw in front of them made almost no sense, yet was perfectly comprehensible. Their mind swelled outward and gingerly settled back into place. Making peace with an impossible truth, the traveler accepted what their eyes implored: the valley was breathing. Long, slow inhales brought cloud cover in, shrouding the surrounding mountain with their density. Deep, strong exhales sent the clouds receding, exposing a horizon of staggered peaks. With each breath, a wave of air bent the pine trees like coral swaying in unison. Sensing the travelers presence, the valley let out a terrestrial groan. The traveler trembled at its singular immensity, at the intensity of its truth. They inched towards the edge of the cli. The ground sunk and rose beneath them. Mount Part, too, was breathing. The picture aligned in the traveler’s mind; the breathing valley, the heaving ground, the pulsing forest: it all formed a web of obvious purity: the land below them was not inert; not dead mass piled up over aeons but the living tissue of a giant being. At the speed of light, memories ooded from an unknown source. Circling planets of cooling life, explosive questions fracturing innitude, a plane of existence where waves rewrote the nality of loss and love. All of these crystalized in the traveler’s imagination. As the history of things condensed in a moment, the traveler returned to their body, to the sight and sound of what they now understood to be a set of planetary lungs, they noticed they had stopped shaking and were now swaying with the trees. In a gesture of kindness, Mount Part sent a soft, strong gust of wind that cradled the traveler, wrapping them in a blanket of inclusion. Their rhythms, breaths and heartbeats began to align and a chord of complexity held out between them.
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Earth Is A Breathing Valley Score

Earth Is A Breathing Text and Illustrations

Chapter 1: I if I Was

Now I know my name is Sy. Once - or maybe always, or maybe never (it's hard to say, time works differently there) - I found myself rippling nameless across the surface of an infinite plane. All around me was a complete, incredible darkness punctuated by the soft gray light of a distant moon. I couldn't see any clouds but I felt the soft presence of a gentle rain hitting me as I rolled along. The rain was oily, like tears, and in the moonlight it iridesced orange, pink and green. There were countless others traveling too. Tall, short, narrow, wide, each one a tiny speeding bump on this infinite skin. As we passed each other our shapes would merge and everything we had ever known became common knowledge. Some interactions were pleasant and lustrous, others dull and abhorrent. I treasured the moments with kindred ripples, and I elated at our meeting, but I did not. mourn our parting. As all Synes know, that particular moment could only come into being in this particular way, and thus there was no need for sadness. And so it was, forever - and never - until I intersected with a wave unlike any I’d ever met. It had an edge - a sharp one - and as we passed each other our bodies we created a new shape neither of us had taken on. I was transformed, they felt it too, and together we radiated the purest and most indescribable love. As our forms split and the fabric between us tore, they managed to pass through our channel a barely intelligible message: "What is your Name"?

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